Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) is a framework for behaviour management in schools that explicitly models, promotes and rewards positive behaviours while providing consistent structures in responding to negative behaviours. In doing so, Positive Behaviours for Learning is intended to devote teacher behaviour management more proportionately to behaviours that should occur and not disproportionately to behaviours that should not.
Additional focuses of PBL include ongoing student wellbeing as well as building whole school identity and morale. It also embeds restorative justice actions in response to negative behaviours. This document aims to explicitly set out the Positive Behaviours for Learning Framework that has been developed for St Aloysius Catholic Primary School.
It is hoped that in providing this framework to parents, they can familiarise themselves with the philosophy, procedures and actions to be undertaken.
The aim of PBL is to provide a greater proportion of time to Primary Intervention (Tier 1) where all children are given access to explicit discussion and modelling of positive behaviours. The majority of children will benefit sufficiently from this.
Secondary Intervention (Tier 2) might be accessed by about 15% children whose behaviour choices need to be redirected in positive directions.
Finally, Tertiary Intervention (Tier 3) might only be accessed by 1—5 % of students who benefit from individual behaviour support. The final page of this document discusses these tiers of behaviour management further.
We have four core values (based on the four Pillars of Learning) for children to reference with ease.
Breaking it down to explicit Positive Behaviours
Our school matrix allows children to have a more specific focus on how these rules apply in different areas of the school. All rules are in simple, affirming and child centred language so that children come to own and use the language.
We make Jesus Real in the way we Greet, Treat and Speak to others respectfully. We make Jesus Real through our Daily Actions.
St Aloysius Whole School Positive Reinforcement Reward System
Focus on Growing into a better me, class, school…
Building into shared direction, performance and Growth…
Leaf to Tree to Forest.
*** Undercover Gardener***
A “Branch of Leaves” from the “Undercover Gardener” is worth a large number of leaves to go towards the class target and is given out at Assemblies to classes that have performed impressively on lines, in Mass, in library, in music, on the playground, etc
So let’s get Growing!
Upon receiving the listed number of PBL tokens students are awarded the following:
10 Good to Grow tokens - Bronze certificate
25 Good to Grow tokens - Silver certificate
50 Good to Grow tokens - Gold certificate
75 Good to Grow tokens - Platinum certificate
Our rewards menu is below:
When challenging behaviour:
To help those affected:
Compass will alert the Assistant Principal when a student has received three Amber incident reports. Compass will alert the Principal when a student has received three red incident reports.
At Tier 3, parents and staff members will be in continual communication and it is likely that the child would have an Individual Behavioural Contract. Furthermore, children at Tier 3 will be benefitting from other forms of support and intervention in consultation with school and potentially the CSO and other agencies. It is hoped that children move quickly from Tier 3 intervention to the lower tiers of behavioural management.
At the beginning of each term, any students who have had amber or red incidents recorded commence with a fresh start unless there is some specific need to remain on an individual Behaviour Management Plan.