At St Aloysius, we aim to ensure the transition into Kindergarten is a smooth and positive experience for all students and their families.

All new children enrolling in Kindergarten for the following year are invited to participate in a Kinder Orientation and Transition Program held during Term 3 and 4. The purpose of the program is to:

  • Reduce anxiety amongst the preschool children and their parents about starting school
  • Familiarise our incoming students with St Aloysius classrooms, teachers, playground and routines
  • Allow preschool children to experience modeling of appropriate school behaviours by the current Kindergarten students
  • Provide opportunities for preschoolers and their parents to meet other families commencing at St Aloysius the following year.

The program includes a Starting School Expo, four transition sessions for children and an Information Meeting for parents.

Students transitioning to high school are supported by involvement in special days at St Bede’s Catholic College, Chisholm. The classroom teachers and learning support teachers are also available to discuss learning and social needs with representatives of feeder schools our students are transitioning into.
